Jul 20, 2022Liked by Gary Shteyngart

I subscribe to your sleazy tabloid slosh and this what I get ??? Animals births and tales of a birthday pastrami ?

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What about me talking schlong with Bono? Did you miss that?

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Gary Shteyngart

Tell me my friend, why does your bellybutton aka navel hurt? I have never heard of such, unless all your talk of children/cute baby animals is making you feel a little pregnant? Or has you Joy of the liquid libations caused a belly extending thus looking like you are pregnant producing a protrusion of your “pupik.”🫃🏻In either case, I think there comes a time we have to think about the child that has old parents and all the jokes they will endure. Do you really want to go there? BTW-you do have quite the menagerie of wild life to admire….and they are all so cute!🐇🦌🦊🦆

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I think I am a little pregnant...with ideas! Yuk, yuk, yuk. I do love my animals, though.

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Fecundities everywhere; a good thing

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So after reading the tortuous account of your belated circumcision (which still makes me weep for you), perhaps the person who did this was a closet advocate for climate change mitigation, who has decided simply to reduce human reproduction one penis at a time?

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Yes, there's a whole bunch of urologists working on the population problem one schlong at a time.

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as long as my kids don't have to pay for all your medicare!

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Oh, they will.

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We’ve decided to aunt and uncle over here. More fox pups = better planet.

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Brilliant idea!

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Gary Shteyngart

I'm ok with fewer humans on the planet.

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Me too

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Gary Shteyngart

Is it Gen X wisdom, to not have babies? Assuming here, your friends were born in the 70s as well. Nice photos.

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We're the first generation that gave up on everything.

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deletedJul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022Liked by Gary Shteyngart
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Um, I guess.

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