Toronto loves our capybaras. We have two that escaped and made local headlines for a month. We called them "Bonny and Clyde." Giant guinea pigs on stilts.

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Just tagged a photo to you of a HERD of capybaras in my friend's neighborhood in Brasilia. I am right now debating whether to buy a ticket tonight to Brasilia or Tokyo! I have my CAS (Capybara Admiration Society) membership card ready to bring with me, in case I encounter a skeptical capybara-- though I suspect they are incapable of such an emotion.

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reading “our country friends” in my Tokyo apartment and laughing out loud, as an escape of my suffocating Japanese school life. thank you for your books 🩵

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Yes, but that one has cats. For a purist like me it's gotta be pure cappy!

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I keep waiting for an anti-capy backlash to begin but not only does it seem unlikely to happen I can't even imagine what it would look like. Bad behavior in public/in front of a camera seems to be off the table 😀

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I live near Tokyo and am a huge fan of capybaras too. Also your books. Are you in Tokyo to do research for one?

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just passing through...

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My teenaged son wants to go to Japan as an exchange student. You deliver convincing supporting arguments.

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I agree completely. You've omitted shoju, no garbage cans but no garbage anywhere and the weird esteem for the English language - the train voice announces the subway stop in English despite the clear paucity of native english speakers.

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That was the first thing I noticed when I went to Tokyo for work for the first time, no garbage anywhere, not even little black dots of grimy discarded gum on the sidewalks ... and Ginza was so quiet, even at midday or rush hour.

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And no garbage cans. They bring it home.

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I've only been once, but I loved it and want to return.

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I say this not only w/the up most respect, but as a vegetarian, animal lover&wildlife rescuer: Since humans AREN'T ALL the best, most compassionate &respectful of animals &this planet in general...I PRAY NOBODY IN ANY COUNTRIES EATS THESE BELOVED, LOVING, creations of God. I know ppl in other countries eat animals that Americans would cringe over to put it nicely. I have always absolutely loved capybaras since I was a small child and went to our zoo in Pgh Pa. I had a guinea pig at the time l, and always thought that they looked like a giant hamster and a giant guinea pig had a baby! Very kissable and cuddly! Ty for sharing!

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no one eats them. they feed them carrots.

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