"That’s 1000-day aged feykir cheese inside some goddamned endives at the Tides restaurant in Reykjavik."...the most perfectly-placed "goddamned" of the week. I laughed hard enough to fart feykir, and all I've eaten in the last 12 hours was a doomed-American PB&J.

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On a day when I was hating all Americans for what your election has unleashed you made me laugh.

Come visit Ottawa, we have Beaver Tails.

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Hmmm…I think you're forgetting Canada is on this side of the Atlantic.

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Like the states. That’s my point.

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Did you try horse? The one time I was in Iceland I had horse (which I have also had in Switzerland and in Japan) and I went home with a plastic container of fermented shark

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those lil ponies can really fill up a plate!

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I remember that in Reykjavik there was a restaurant that served both horse and whale. If you wanted to avoid your fellow Americans, that was pretty much the only place to go.

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You need more capybara!

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Stay cheesy! Brooke Shields update: she is still in transit but requests you receive her in your devastating new blue suit. No bathrobe, please.

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I’m vegetarian so I skipped the puffin and horse. And I love Icelandic horses on the hoof - I have two of my own here in Normandy. But I love everything else about Iceland, including the Skyr, the volcanoes, the huge greenhouses, the tectonic plates’ meeting place and the delicious cold water from the tap! Perhaps I, too, am Icelandic at heart. ❤️ 🐎🌋

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i am simply relieved there are no goddamn Capybaras in this post

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